Friday 8 January 2010

Horror Remake

We decided to make a horror remake of Saw mainly because Saw reflects Similarly to the film that we have based on. In the film I was one of the characters present along with tom as the other main character and india as the dead body in the middle of the floor. During the editing process of our remake, on the whole I did most of the editing for the whole of the film, Tom at most points was inputting his suggestions in what to do to the clip but I was the one that made the changes. India and Steph also made there input but they did it seperate to me and Tom as we had to split up into pairs because we didnt have frees at the same time. Once India and Steph chose what they wanted in the film, I edited most of the scenes. To start with I only knew the basics for editing using the editing programme but as I progressed through the film, I learnt more and more allowing me to make the previous clips edited better or the clips to come better.

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